Markham & Scarborough Orthodontics

1. FIXED WIRE BRACES is the procedure used to straighten and align your teeth. Even though in the past, braces was usually for the younger patients from 5 to 30 years old, nowadays, adult orthodontic is gaining popularity due to the advancement in technology and patients’ demand. We have patients in their 60s getting orthodontics solutions completed.. Orthodontic treatment may take from 1 to 3 years but the results you end up with are for a lifetime. There are usually some post-treatment instructions that you need to follow to ensure the stability of your teeth in their new position forever. It is very important to listen and follow our doctor’s recommendations to avoid having your teeth go back to their original alignment.

2. FUNCTIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS is the procedure to develop or control the growth of either the upper or lower or even both jaws. It can be done as early as age 5, up to age 12 or 13. The idea is to create space for the developing jaw(s) to accommodate the adult dentition and prevent severe overjet, overbite or underbite that require surgery in the future.

3. MYOFUNCTIONAL ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT is a science to correct the basic causes of malocclusion, which are airway, breathing, tongue position, and habits. Myobrace has been gaining popularity in recent years due to the fact that the causes of malocclusion are dealt with such that the final alignment of the teeth will be very simple and straightforward if needed.

4. INVISALIGN, the invisible braces system uses a series of clear plastic trays (aligners) that move your teeth to the ideal position gradually. This is a very common and a preferred treatment for adults. Other than a beautiful straight set of teeth by the end of the treatment, you’ll be also enjoying a good-looking and confident smile during your treatment. Invisalign is the preferred orthodontic treatment for adults, especially work professionals.

Contact us today to book an appointment for your dental needs!